Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm off

I leave to catch the first of the 3 planes that will take me to Amsterdam in just a little while.  Bags are packed and I'm ready to go.  Nervous, excited, thrilled, terrified, disbelieving, but ready.

I spend a week in Amsterdam and Bruges with my dear friend Diane before making my way down to St. Jean Pied-de-Port to begin El Camino.  I think the word "surreal" is wretchedly overused, but it does capture something of my incredulous disbelief that I am going to walk 500 miles in Spain!  My daughter described me in her blog as "awesome with a side of crazy."  I don't know about the awesome, but I plead guilty to the crazy.

So at the moment "What was I thinking?" is competing with "I am so lucky!"  In the end I am confident that "I am so lucky" will come out victorious, but for the moment I have butterflies the size of 747's!  

1 comment:

  1. Buen Camino Perigrina! Safe travels. I think the butterflies settle when you are actually finally doing!
